Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Global Business Advice – The Ten AIN’T’s Of Global Business

Global Business slide show: Top 10 "Ain ts" of International Business from Bill Decker Global Business slide show: Top 10 Ain ts of International Business It AIN’T Gonna be easy Why do people think it is easy to do business overseas? Culture, language, customs and laws are different! It AIN’T gonna be fast The biggest single cultural difference is the perception of “time” It AIN’T gonna be free Does your office have staff, machines, phones, vendors, and expenses? Why do you think that would be different abroad? Your skills AIN’T gonna transfer Well, not completely. You may know all about “channel management” in Wisconsin, but Japan does it differently. You AIN’T gonna enjoy it always Jet lag. Exhaustion. Lack of language. Cramped flights. Endless meetings. Tricky negotiations. Your money AIN’T gonna guarantee success. Just because you are the buyer, doesn’t mean you will have an easy time buying what you want. Your law AIN’T gonna win You AIN’T gonna sue If y

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